đŸ“ĒCreating Your Own AI MACRO

This is the FUN Part!

Step 1ī¸âƒŖ - Think BIG PICTURE

Important things to consider when writing an AI Macro include providing clear and concise instructions, using specific keywords and phrases that will help guide the AI's response, and avoiding ambiguity or vagueness in the prompt. It is also important to consider the tone and style of language used in the prompt, as this can affect the type of response generated by the AI.

So as a first step, jot down some ideas for what you'd like to accomplish in a document. This doesn't have to be perfect, but if you are stuck, check out our "Idea_Generation_and_Evaluation_Process" Macro in the Toolkit Macro Group.

Step 1ī¸âƒŖ.5 - Try our "Macro Builder" Macro 😹

Oh wow, how meta, we have a Macro builder Macro for writing Macros. That's like Inception levels of AI Macros. Anyway, here's how to use it: first, jot down a general goal for what you want your macro to accomplish. Then, open the toolkit macro group and click on Macro Planner. From there, edit out any irrelevant information to streamline your macro and make it as efficient as possible. Here's a link to our Public library of Untested Community Macros if you'd like some inspiration!

Step 2ī¸âƒŖ - Save Macro for Testing

Save the Macro you'd like to use in ThoughtfulGPT. Then test it a few times before you make it "Official". Testing also ensures that the prompt macros give you the desired responses and meet the goals for the task at hand. Failure to test your Prompt Macros can result in wacky, unreliable or inaccurate responses, which can negatively impact the work you are trying to do.

Step 3ī¸âƒŖ - Move your tested Macro to it's Macro Group!

A macro group is a collection of macros or shortcuts that are grouped together for easy access and organization. It can be thought of as a folder or category that contains related macros. For example, you may have a macro group for writing prompts, another for email templates, and another for project management tasks.

Creating a Macro Group

On your ThoughtfulGPT Dashboard, click on the arrow beside Manage Macros, and click Group Macros. Macro groups allow you to organize your macros into categories to keep things tidy as your macro library grows. Here you can create new macro groups by clicking the "Create a new Macro Group" icon and giving the group a name, and a description of your new Macro Group. You can also add existing macros into the group.

Step 4ī¸âƒŖ - Go outside and enjoy all the time you'll save!

Last updated