Welcome to the world of AI-powered automation! Let’s start building your supercharged AI toolbox with ThoughtfulGPT’s Context & Personal Macros. With these powerful AI shortcuts, you can customize the logic and context for your AI commands, which will make your workflow more efficient and specially tailored to YOU!
Step 0️⃣—Understanding your Dashboard
The logged in ThoughtfulGPT.com site is your dashboard. It includes everything you need to configure how you want to use the ThoughtfulGPT platform. Most importantly, your dashboard is where you can manage what external platforms that you want to connect with ThoughtfulGPT.
Step 1️⃣—Setting up your first ThoughtfulGPT integration!
Now, lets install our ThoughtfulGPT Google Add-on to connect the ThoughtfulGPT tool to Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Gmail! Click here to install the add-on.
Step 2️⃣—Connecting your Dashboard to your Google Add-On
Now that we have your account set-up in this dashboard and the Google Add-on installed, head over to Relay Tokens in top navigation bar. Select Create a New Relay Token and assign your token a name (you can use your name for now!). Submit your new token and head over to Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Gmail. In the bottom right corner of your window, you will see an arrow icon. Click on this icon to open up the side panel that contains your Add-ons. Now, select our teal Thoughtful Mascot, click the three dots, Open Settings, paste in the Relay Token you created in the last few steps, and Save API Key.
This token now connects all changes you make in the dashboard to the Google Add-on, for example, when you make your own macros!
Step 3️⃣—Test it out!
Now that you have ThoughtfulGPT set up in Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Gmail, you can explore what our AI macros can do for you by starting with our pre-made macros. Open the Google Add-on on any of these platforms and you test out the macros listed. Try our Email Summarizer or summarize a whole Document in Google Docs! Good luck and have fun!
Step 4️⃣—What's Next?
Ready to start building your own tools? Start using AI Macros!