Lead Generation
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Our lead sourcing tool assists you in finding the right customers at an individual level. These individuals would be fit for your company's ideal customer profile (ICP) that our tool will automatically generate with only your website URL. In addition to the auto-generated ICP, you may also manually add in description of the lead you would want sourced.
This article covers:
Within the Sourcing tool, click "Create Job" and under the "Job Type" click on the drop-down menu and choose "Lead Generation.
Choosing Lead Generation with prompt the tool to ask you for a website, this could either be your website or a competitor's website. This triggers the tool to generate an Ideal Customer Profile based on the website.
You can also set the cadence for Lead Generation for this URL, it could either be a One Off Task, Daily (up to 4 times a day), Alternate Days, or Weekly.
Adding a description is optional, if you are looking for a specific type of lead this is where you would input what you are looking for.
Click the "Create" button and you've successfully set up a Lead Generation Task!
Once your Lead Sourcing job has been created you will be directed to a page that will reflect the job, the generate ICP from the website link that was used for the Lead Sourcing job.
The status for the task would be shown as "queued" this means that our tools is actively searching for leads across different platforms that would fit the generated ICP or any ICP that was added as a description while setting up the task.
Once complete the Status will reflect as "completed"
To review and refine the results click the "Eye" icon at the right side of the task. This would lead you to look at the leads that were generated based on the URL and the generated ICP.
If you would want to further refine and generate a targeted list of leads, follow the steps below:
Review the list, if there is a specific or multiple individuals that you would like to base the new search on
Click the "Star" icon under "Mark as Best Fit" for those individuals
Scroll down input any additional feedback, specify any additional details needed for the new search
Click "Refine List"
Click the check box for "Incorporate this feedback in all subsequent tasks" to ensure your feedback will continue to be used in addition to any new ones you might have in further refinement of the lead list.
Once you have refined your list you can click on "People" and review a full list of the leads that have been generated.
To learn more about specific leads, click on the "Star" Icon under the Mark as Best Fit column for that individual and refresh your page. This will enrich the lead and you will be able to review them with more details. Enriched leads will have a flame icon under the "Enriched" column.
When sending out emails to your lead list, ThoughtfulGPT has 2 options for you and your team.
Automated emails: These work best for Lead Generation jobs that have a candence of either multiple times a day, daily, or weekly. This is automatically sent to leads based on their Match Score.
Email Toasters: This is an email that can be sent on the spot to any Enriched Leads. To learn how to enrich leads, refer here. You can send these through GMail or SendGrid.
Once you create Lead Sourcing job. Click on "Configure Automation" on the upper-right side of your screen. Everyday, emails will be sent out to new leads found based on the provided criteria. Make sure email tracking is enabled from the sidebar in sourcing tool. Follow the steps below to create automated emails to be sent our to your leads.
Set the time for when the emails will be sent out.
Specify the email subject.
Compose youe template, if you have existing macro with the email template, click the dropdown under 'Custom Macro' and select that macro.
Define the score threshold to target the right audience.
Click Preview Toasted Email to review the generated email based on your email template and make changes if necessary.
Approve Automation.